Getting Started#

Before getting started, fork this repo and clone your fork.

Local Development Environment#

Setting up a workstation of development of this project.


Some of the listed prerequisites are recommended but not required.

  • Make (GNU recommended) for simplified actions

    • brew install make on macOS

    • sudo apt install make or sudo apt install build-essential or Ubuntu/Debian

    • winget install -e --id GnuWin32.Make on Windows

  • npm for type checking & spell check (recommended to use nvm to install)

  • poetry for Python virtual environments

  • (recommended) direnv for setting environment variables (POSIX only)

  • (recommended) nvm to install and manage different versions of node (POSIX only)

  • (recommended) pyenv to install and manage different versions of Python (POSIX Only)

  • (recommended) Visual Studio Code for standardized IDE settings


  1. Clone the repo or your fork of this repo.

  2. Change directory into the cloned directory.

  3. Run make setup.

  4. Start developing.

By running make setup, the following will happen:

  1. poetry is used to setup a Python virtual environment.

  2. pre-commit is configured from the virtual environment to run basic checks and formatting when a commit is made. These checks can be run manually using make run-pre-commit.

  3. node dependencies are installed.